“Out and About” at Sewell Mill Library and Cultural Arts Center is a new group art show running now through January 7, 2020. This is an exciting art display sponsored by the Atlanta Artists Center.
Fine Art South’s artist Shelly Leitheiser has a painting in this show titled “Out There”. Here statement on this artwork is below:
‘Out There’ is an abstract astronomy scene, my interpretation of what might be “Out There”. It’s acrylic and Pebeo paint and some gold leaf on canvas.
When I was a girl, starting at about 15 years old, I became very interested in the science of astronomy. I saved up some money and bought a little telescope, and I would spend many nights in my front yard with my telescope, look up at the Milky Way, the moon and planets I could identify. My Mom had zero interest in this pursuit, but my Dad was my Star Trek-watching buddy, so he was also interested in astronomy and the idea of life somewhere else besides earth. He would come outside after I’d been looking through my telescope for awhile and he would look up at the stars and ask me, “Do you think there’s anything out there”? He did have a curiosity about it and I felt like it was our “cool thing” to have in common . . . this question.
This painting commemorates my time with my Dad watching the sky and wondering about what might be Out There.
This art exhibit is on display at the Sewell Mill Cultural Center and library at 2051 Lower Roswell Road, in Marietta, GA.
Below are some photos of the gallery and the reception. This is a website with photos of all the art.