Like a lot of people, I love animals, and not just dogs and cats, but all animals. I think they are probably much more intelligent than we give them credit for, and probably much more able to feel things we could relate to. Animals are also increasingly endangered and at risk from loss of habitat, poaching, and other man-made threats. Depicting animals in art as a tribute to their companionship, as well as a way to admire them and highlight their endangered status, is an artistic tradition. Wildlife Art is a way to show reverence for nature by spreading the message of wildlife conservation.
I have been doing wildlife and environmental art for many years. It’s just one topic I keep going back to again and again because of my concern for wild animals, and just because I appreciate them so much. We are far from alone on this planet.
Animals have captivated artists for centuries. In fact, some of the very first art ever made, on cave walls, depicted animals and their importance in the lives of the first people.
I do pet portraits as well as symbolic animal art and environmental art featuring wildlife.
The iguana painting is of a wild black iguana in Roatan, Honduras, that I painted shortly after my trip there.
Some artist groups focus on wildlife art:
‘Marwell International Wildlife Art Society’ is the Europe’s largest group of wildlife artists which actively working for supporting different conservation activities of ‘Marwell Zoological Park, UK.
‘Ranthambhor School of Art’ is another good example, situated near very famous Tiger Reserve in India, where local wildlife artists are working for conservation of Ranthambhor NP. This art school is supported by renowned ‘David Shepherd Foundation’.
‘Artist for Conservation’ and ‘Society of Animal Artists’ is also well known groups of wildlife artists, which are actively working for wildlife conservation & art education.
So please support & appreciate all the wildlife artists for their hard work for a good cause.
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