Art News and Other Things

Marietta Fence Gallery – M2R Trailfest

Shelly Leitheiser with Memories of Ice

The Marietta Fence Gallery is an outdoor gallery that was recently installed with a juried show of artwork done by Georgia artists.

“The immersive arts festival that travels through downtown Marietta each year will still incorporate its visual arts displays and activites, just without performance art this year, in light of the coronairus outbreak.

During TrailFest, public art is scattered throughout the city. Murals decorate the sides of many buildings, sculptures beautify the Mareitta Square and nearby parks and a fine art and photography installation lines the fence alongside the train tracks. This year, the latter of those art mediums, the fence gallery, will be traveling through Cobb County.

The Marietta Arts Council conceived the idea of the Fence Art Gallery while scouring the town for public art site selections in 2018. When they walked beside a very long fence that lines the trail into and through the Marietta Square, the members decided to turn the fence into an art gallery. This mile-long, barrier-free stretch of the M2R [Mountain to River, as it’s known] will once again be adorned with artwork selected by the TrailFest committee of the Marietta Arts Council.” – Cobb Life Magazine, 2020


Shelly Leitheiser with Blue Gracie painting


Shelly Leitheiser with Memories of Ice


The fence gallery is open now, as of May 10, 2020. Come out and see it in downtown Marietta, right near the Square. It’s a very long gallery and you can get in a nice walk while you view the art.

More from Cobb Life Magazine:

“The art installation will bring an economic benefit to each of the towns it visits. When visiting them to see the gallery, many people will also visit the nearby restaurants and stores.” [while wearing a mask and social distancing]

I found from my own visit of the gallery last weekend that you have to be pro-active in social distancing because not everyone seems to be aware of it all the time.

“The Marietta Arts Council has been such a huge impact in their community from their art installations. Other cities know that is a possibility within their own downtowns and their own communities. . . . . It has been eye-opening and very exciting to see how the arts are more and more a relevant experience to make that economic impact, and how an artistic installation like this does draw people….. Even those who aren’t able to view the exhibition in person will have their chance to view the artwork. “The entire curated installation will be available online at,” said Reavis. “So even if people aren’t able to see it in their particular town, or even if they see a truncated version of it in one city, they’ll be able to see the full collection online.”

marietta fine art fence gallery

For more information, visit





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